PRP Microneedling & Facial Injections

Age in reverse with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) facial injections. With PRP, you can use your own body's biologic growth and repair cells (platelets) to reverse the signs of aging. Strategically deisgned to address your personal areas of concern.

PRP Therapy FAQ

How is PRP used?

Hair Restoration Treatment: Because the platelets contain vital growth hormones, PRP injections are naturally a good fit for stimulating lost hair follicles. The platelets is injected through the region that is thinning/balding which supplies the nutrients it requires to continue growing a thicker, fuller and healthier hair strand. Although there are no large scale clinical studies on this, preliminary evidence exposes PRP therapy as a good fit for hair restoration.

Cosmetic Rejuvenation: Now you can reduce wrinkles and fine lines without going through risky surgical procedures. Since PRP uses your own blood to produce the platelets, they are far safer than other surgical and non-surgical procedures out there. PRP procedure helps restore and enhance skin regions that require volume, and improves its texture and tone considerably. The treatment will leave the patient looking more youthful and rejuvenated.

Pain Management: The goal of PRP in pain management is to reduce or eliminate pain through healing. The platelets in PRP release growth factors that play a vital role in bone healing. Growth factors include Platelet-derived Growth Factor, Transforming Growth Factor-β, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as well as several others. Up to 7 types of growth factors as well as cytokines can be found in PRP.

Healing Soft-tissue Injuries: PRP injection is exceptionally effective in treating acute soft-tissue injuries or chronic tendinopathy like acute Achilles tendon repair, rotator cuff repair, acute ligament injury, muscle injury, and meniscal repair. PRP stimulates a healing cascade in the broken ligaments, tendons and muscle cartilages, in some cases even bone regeneration. Of course, the best part is, PRP treatments neither require extended stays in hospitals nor a prolonged recovery stage.

Do Facial Injections Hurt?

The level of discomfort depends on the area being treated. As with any injections, there will be a mild discomfort which can be mitigated with anti-inflammatory medications like Advil, Motrin, ibuprofen, Aleve, Celebrex, and Mobic if necessary.

Are There Risks With PRP?

Anytime a needle is placed anywhere in the body, even getting blood drawn, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. However, these are very rare. Because PRP uses your own blood, you cannot be allergic to it.

*Individual Results May Vary

PRP Before & After

Hair Restoration

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Acne Resurfacing

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Skin Rejuvination

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